love, liana
about me
Hello there, & thank you for popping on over to my site! My name is Liana Arnobit! I'm a full-time management consultant and an aspiring writer on the side. I graduated from university a year ago with a BBA in Business Analytics & a minor in Computer Science and have since been exploring the transition from 'college to career'.
This blog is home to my thoughts & advice rooted from my life experience thus far and my growing journey towards fulfilling my dreams!
I have aspirations of becoming a published author someday and have a drawn attraction to fantasy & poetry genres. I've always enjoyed story-telling and creative writing! My hope is to document my growth not only of my personal life but of my writing journey as well in this portal of the internet.
On that note, I hope you stick around & enjoy your stay around my page. Your presence, your thoughts - all are welcome here.
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snapshots of life
When I started this blog, I struggled A LOT with loving who I was. I wasn’t kind to myself, and that hurts to write. But, God has truly transformed my life this year, and I can’t stop talking about it. New friendships, inner healing, newfound confidence, living the life He’s willed for me - all of it has helped me find a new glow. From burgundy, copper, pink, purple, and now red, I’ve changed my hair up quite a bit in the last year. I’ve chopped it countless of times, gotten bangs, the whole nine yards, I’ve done it this past year!! We all know that women LOVE to change up their hair after a major life change, and I’m no exception to that. This was the most “bold” color I’ve done (apart from pink cause I swear I looked like I came straight out of cartoon with that one hehe :3), and it felt so fitting to choose it. Red can mean a lot of things to different people, for me it’s a color which echoes boldness, taking up space, confidence, & the courage to move forward in whatever way that means to you for the time being. So here’s to new beginnings, relationships, love, life, & all the in-between!((:
New Orleans, you were a good one.
& to my sweet friend, Julia - thanks for keeping life interesting <3